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GoToXY                   Moves Cursor to Specific Position

 GoToXY(Col,Row : Integer);                                              [TP]

    Moves the cursor to the indicated position on the screen; all output
    and other operations (ClrEol, DelLine, InsLine) will take place at
    that location.

             Col    An integer value; represents the column number
                    (1..80), with 1 being the leftmost column.

             Row    An integer value; represents the row number (1..25),
                    with 1 being the top row.

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           ClrScr;                  { clear screen }
           for J := 6 to 18 do begin
             GoToXY(40,J);          { move to middle of screen }
             Write(#186)            { and draw a line down it  }

See Also: WhereX WhereY
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson